Monday, July 30, 2012

Power of the Soundbite: A Good Start to Social Media

Professionals in academics, education and other wordy professions are interested in the world of social media.  Yet, they might be hesitant. Social media, like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pininterest and others require some simple tricks to get started and be engaging.

Social media is about being social and connected with your audience.
The first rules of social media are to have a goal.  Then find ways to make you or your organization personable. Start by being an expert, yet be a fun expert. Other important considerations are the promotion of others and to stay engaged.  Be unique as you consider your goals and your online persona. Then enjoy the benefits of social media.

1) Goals
Set a challenging and achievable goal that is backed with good strategy.  Good goals can be measured.

2) Make your organization personable
For example, financial organizations often have a serious reputation based on results and data. Data helps build trust. Yet, it is important to make the data fun. With the right approach, data can be engaging. Google Maps also makes data is engaging.  More and more people use Google Maps in their presentations to engage their audience.

3) Be the Expert
Social media is about being social and can be a commercial.  But think of the commercial as your expertise.  Share your expertise.  People like knowing things.  Too much knowledge or expertise is not served well in social media posts.  Blog, when you have more to say. 

4)  Be fun
Use social media to research and become engaged with your audience. This allows you to learn about your customers before your meet them. Find out about specific needs before you reply to them.

5) Promote your organization by promoting others.  Promote those who are loyal to your organization. Then encourage them to promote you too.

For example, is an organization that promotes a nation of savers.  You may not want the same customers. But take a close look at this, and other non-profit organization, partnerships. is partnered with big organizations like financial organizations and large employers.  Are these the same types of businesses you work with now or in future?

6)  Stay engaged.  Everyday post, promote or repost.  Engagement is a reach out as well as promoting your organization. Strategically stay in engaged by being connected. Daily engagement is best.

7)  Be unique.  Stay true to your expertise and your loyal followers.  Believe in your products, services and solutions as valuable and unique. For those concerned about the completion keep in mind these ideas.  The competition will still seek access to your information. You don’t have say everything.  Instead be unique, be personable as you promote your unique qualities. Encourage others to do the same about your organization.  Make the facts obvious.  Your organization is superior over the competition because of your expertise and organization personality.  Emphasize those qualities in new and creative ways.

Remember social media is connecting with others. Start with goals in order to measure your success.

Then post in a sound bites.  Blog when you have more to say.  Mix information with social posts. Post pictures.  If your organization receives an award promote with a photo.  If your organization gives an award promote.  Connect with other organizations that promote in your similar arena.  Study other social media, not just the competition, and determine the qualities that connect with people.  Always consider your audience and customers’ point of view. Then use that perspective to get a custom message into your audience that connects.  With a personal touch and a focus on connects folks to your organization you will pave the way to a successful social media campaign.